Well, things took a bit of an odd turn this past Monday. If you have been following Tinker's recovery you know that he has been doing very well. Everything seemed as cool as the other side of the pillow. Then 3 weeks ago on Friday, July 7 Tinker had a bad day (see the post "A Not So Peaceful Uneasy Feeling" below). What was first thought to be a stomach ache began to look like signs of a back issue instead. For the next week, Tink's energy level wasn't as high as usual and he wasn't trying to jump up on the futon to be next to Virginia.
We had scheduled an appointment with Tinker's surgeon, Dr. Christoper Hunt, at the AERC, but canceled when he seemed fine a few days later. The following Sunday, 7/16, I finally felt Tink was at 100%. Actually more like 125%. He was back to his version of normal, full of energy, going up on the futon, loving life. We still wondered though if we should take him for a check-up with his neurologist Dr. Christine Massicotte. A trip to Valley Vet for Tink's hydrotherapy appointment convinced us to do so.
Tinker's PT tech, Tracy, didn't want to put him in the hydrotherapy tank since it appeared that something might have occurred with his back. She didn't want to take a chance on further injuring him, plus of course they have to be careful of their own liability. So we scheduled an appointment with Dr. Massicotte for this past Monday. After examining him, Dr. Massicotte concluded that something was indeed going on with a disc toward Tinker's hind end. It was below the area where he had a disk rupture and had surgery a year and a half ago, but it was still very much a concern to her.
It was stunning to hear her words since we suspected maybe Tink had twisted something in a leg or hip or just had some temporary blip that caused him not to feel well. Dr. Massicotte shot those theories down with a resounding "no". The answer for now: 2 weeks of complete crate rest. No going for walks. No playing with Virginia. No fun. :(
After a few deep breaths and realizing we were NOT back to square one, we realized that the next 2 weeks would not be easy, but we would get through it. For one thing, Tinker's attitude is still tremendous. Yes, he would rather be out of the crate, but for the most part he's been great. The first night was pretty sleepless since he "wanted to go over the wall", but since then he's been a model patient. Which, of course, was no surprise to us.
We have almost made it up to 1 week of "incarceration" and we always remind Tinker how many days are left to go. Of course we're really reassuring ourselves, but...We have an appt. with Dr. Massicotte for August 7 for a re-evaluation and we will go from there. No matter the issue, Tinker is still one awesome Dude :)
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